Two samples of pure mezo-and d, l-2, 3-dichlorobutanes were obtained from their mixture by fractional distillation, and their enthalpies of vaporization at 25℃ were measured by using an LKB-8721-3 vaporization calorimeter, they are 38.41±0.07(mezo-) and 39.78±0.05(d, l-)kJ/mol, respectively. A mixture sample with(mezo-/d,l-)=1.34/1 was used for combustion experiments, its enthalpies of combustion at 25℃ were determined by using a rotating bomb combustion calorimeter with a tantanum lined bomb, as -2519.74±1.06kJ/mol. By using the literature's enthalpies of isomerizm between the liquid mezo- and d, l-2, 3-diehlorobutanes, -1.13±0.21kJ/mol, measured by the equilibrium method, enthalpies of combustion of mezo- and d, l-2, 3-dichlorobutanes were obtained. Then enthalpies of formation of both in gaseous state were derived as, -202.34+1.72(mezo-) and -202.15±1.72(d, l-)kJ/mol, respectively. According to the following equation:
a,b-C_4H_8Cl_2(g)+n-C_4H_(10)(g)=a-C_4H_9Cl+b-C_4H_9Cl+△H_r the enthalpies of reaction are derived as +5.3(mezo-) and +5.5(d, l-)kJ/mol, which are closed with that of 1, 2-dichlorobutane. The determined enthalpies of formation of the mezo- and d, l-2, 3-dichlorobutanes also coincide witch the calculation results of our 'Electrostatic Bond Energy Scheme.'
Acta Chimica Sinica