贯穿池莉小说创作始终不变的内在精神是她对世俗人性的温情关怀 ,本文通过与传统现实主义创作对比 ,阐述了池莉小说创作以人道关怀写实视角 ,原生态展现小市民的日常生活状态 ;以巨大的包容和理解 ,抒写对世俗人性的温情关怀 ;以对人类精神生活的追问 。
Humanism concerns on common people's lives are something important and unchanged in Chi Li's novels. Compared with the traditional realistic creations, this article tries to analyze the three characteristics of Chi Li's novels. First one is describing common people's everyday lives as natural as they are from the angels of humanism concerns and realism. Second one is expressing humanism concerns full of mercy, sympathy and understanding. Third one is deepening the thinking on humanism concerns by questioning the human being's cultuTal lives.