《水浒传》中的梁山英雄在官逼民反的情况下上演了一场忠奸之争 ,而斗争实质上表现为在替天行道的旗帜下的反贪运动。梁山好汉有力地打击了一批贪官污吏 ,奸佞小人。一场卓有成效的反贪运动却因招安以失败告终 。
Mount Liang Heroes perform the struggle between the people loyal to their sovereign and the treacherous court officials under that situation that misgovernment drives the people to revolt. The struggle is actually anti-corruption movement under the flag of implementing Tao instead of nature. Mount Liang heroes attack many corrupt officials effectively, crafty and fawning villain. One effective anti-corruption movement ends in failure because of amnesty and enlistment to rebels. It reflects deep social system reasons.