通过对马惠宁线管输原油降低综合处理温度的试验研究 ,探讨了管输原油降低综合处理温度后管道来油物性、管输流量、停输再启动、管道热洗清管周期对管道运行的影响。室内及现场试验的研究结果表明 ,马惠宁线管输原油降低综合处理温度试验前、后的原油低温度流动性基本相同 ,原油综合处理温度降低到 75℃的运行工艺是可行的 ,并对降低综合处理温度后的运行工艺进行了经济分析。
Based on the experiment and study on lowering comprehensive treatment temperature for MaHuiNing pipelined oil,this paper discusses the influence of the oil characteristics,flow rate,shutdown and restart and heating cleaning period of pipeline on the pipeline' s operation after lowering comprehensive treatment temperature. Laboratory and field experiment results show that the oil flowability at low temperature is basically similar before and after the treatment, and it is feasible to lower the treatment tempesature to 75癈. An economic analysis is made on the operation process on the basis of the treatment method.
Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation