
Modelling the biological performance of a side-stream membrane bioreactor using ASM1 被引量:3

Modelling the biological performance of a side-stream membrane bioreactor using ASM1
摘要 Membrane bioreactors(MBRs) are attracting global interest but the mathematical modeling of the biological performance of MBRs remains very limited. This study focuses on the modelling of a side-stream MBR system using Activated Sludge Model No.1(ASM1), and comparing the results with the modelling of traditional activated sludge processes. ASM1 parameters relevant for the long-term biological behaviour in MBR systems were calibrated(i.e. Y H=0.72gCOD/gCOD, Y A=0.25gCOD/gN, b H=0.25 d -1, b A=0.080 d -1 and f P=0.06), and generally agreed with the parameters in traditional activated sludge processes, with the exception that a higher autotrophic biomass decay rate was observed in the MBR. A sensitivity analysis for steady state operation and DO dynamics suggested that the biological performance of the MBR system(the sludge concentration, effluent quality and the DO dynamics) are very sensitive to the parameters(i.e. Y H, Y A, b H, b A, μ maxH and μ maxA), and influent wastewater components(X I, S S, X S, S NH). Membrane bioreactors(MBRs) are attracting global interest but the mathematical modeling of the biological performance of MBRs remains very limited. This study focuses on the modelling of a side-stream MBR system using Activated Sludge Model No.1(ASM1), and comparing the results with the modelling of traditional activated sludge processes. ASM1 parameters relevant for the long-term biological behaviour in MBR systems were calibrated(i.e. Y H=0.72gCOD/gCOD, Y A=0.25gCOD/gN, b H=0.25 d -1, b A=0.080 d -1 and f P=0.06), and generally agreed with the parameters in traditional activated sludge processes, with the exception that a higher autotrophic biomass decay rate was observed in the MBR. A sensitivity analysis for steady state operation and DO dynamics suggested that the biological performance of the MBR system(the sludge concentration, effluent quality and the DO dynamics) are very sensitive to the parameters(i.e. Y H, Y A, b H, b A, μ maxH and μ maxA), and influent wastewater components(X I, S S, X S, S NH).
出处 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2004年第6期1020-1023,共4页 环境科学学报(英文版)
关键词 membrane bioreactor MODELLING parameter estimation membrane bioreactor modelling parameter estimation
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