对2002年在协和医院西院区住院治疗的基本医疗保险病人住院费用及个人负担金额进行分析。方法 将全部住院病人按退休和在职分为两组,列出各项统计数据,并对两组不同费用档次人次进行卡方检验。结果 两组间不同费用档次构成比差异明显。一次住院人均个人负担约占全年收入的25%左右。对于低收入家庭和患重病的参保人员来说,个人负担金额对生活的影响较大。结论 要保持统筹基金收支平衡,完善医疗保障体系。
This is an analysis on hospitalization charge of inpatients with basic medical insurance and who were hospitalized in Xiyuanquof Peking Union Medical College Hospital and their burden shared by individual. Method: based on their retirement or in-position, all the inpatientsare divided into 2 groups, and their statistical data are cited, and chi-square test is conducted towards the different groups’ charge. Result: thedifference between the charges is clear. The burden for single hospitalization shared by individual is approximately 25% of total annual income.The implication to their life of burden shared by individual is relatively large towards those whose income is low or who with serious disease.Conclusion: the balance of fund should be kept and medical insurance system be improved.
Chinese Hospitals