稼轩是位既豪迈热烈又能冷静思理的辨证统一词家。其全部创作具有着鲜明的思辨式人生方式。他善于观察、勤于思考 ,以其渊博知识和敏感力审视着古来种种“物理变化”的“万物必然之理” ,而主张“天道好还 ,亦以其理而推之耳” ,故其词天然地通向了理悟的进程。他善于在孤寂中“坐中夜思” ,甚至通宵“不寐” ,引发出他独特的哲思顿悟 ;并经常“以古准今”和在现实复杂实践中审视自我、反思自我、否定自我、总结自我 ,从而获得人生的转机和新生。在词中形成了他自觉理性显场的特性。“理”并不悖于“情” ,稼轩能依照“带情韵以行”的艺术规律写词 ,使他成功地“运深沉之思于雄杰之中” ,创造了傲视千古的将豪壮炽热情感与冷峻理性思辨相结合的“稼轩体”。
Jia Xuan was both an enthusiastic and rational author, with all his poems being clearly dialectic. He was good at observation and actively thinking. With his learned knowledge and sharp alertness he observed the world, so his ci poems have rationality. He was good at thinking in loneliness, even didn't sleep for a whole night to create his special rationality. And using the ancient for reference, he often observed himself, thought himself, denied himself, and concluded himself in the complicated practice. Rationality doesn't leave behind passion. His poems have much artistic creation, which combined the hot enthusiasm and the cool rationality, known as the Jia Xuan Style.
Journal of Weifang University