承接着深厚伦理文化基础的义利观在近代的衍化 ,从一个侧面昭示了传统思想向近代思想的转折进程。它以传统的经世致用为先导 ,以中体西用为铺垫 ,终于在十九世纪末的维新思潮中形成高潮。其中 ,梁启超基于西方自由权利思想而演化出来的具有全新意义的义利观和严复依据西方近代自由主义经济学说而提出了“义利合”及“开明自营”思想尤其具有启蒙意义。
Chinese traditional perspective of morality and interest had been developping in modern China.This development formed a high tide in the modernization in the end of 19tth century ,in which traditional thought of being engaged in the affairs of the state to benefit people became a vanguard,a newly developed thought that believe in chinese learning is the essential,and the western learning is the asistant pushed this development further.During this period,Liang Qichao developed a new perspective of morality and interest,which was based on the western thought of liberalism and right.Yan Fu developed a new thought from modern western economic theory of liberalism,in which he believed in that both of the morality and interest could be combined into one,and enlightened self-operating could be adopted.Liang and Yan played a great role in the the process of enlightening the people of modern China.
Journal of Weifang University