从建国以来 ,高等工业院校物理教师从事物理教育和科学研究的历史经验来看 ,一个十分重要的问题是要牢记“物理学是自然科学的主导” ;“理为工之本、工为理之用” ;“没有第一流的理学院 ,就没有第一流的理工学院”这三句话 ,并把它们作为指导思想 。
To sum up our experiences since 1950 in teaching physics and researching physics in colleges of engineering, an important knowledge is to bear in mind that physics is the foundation of natural science, that science is the foundation of engineering and engineering is the application of science, and that without first class school of science, an institute of technology can not become a first class institute. We should put this knowledge as a guiding principle in physics teaching as well as in establishing department of physics.
Physics and Engineering