
带有两个动量飞轮刚体航天器的姿态非完整运动规划问题 被引量:19

Nonholonomic motion planning for the attitude of rigid spacecraft with two momentum wheel actuators
摘要 航天器利用三个动量飞轮可以控制其姿态和任意定位.当其中一个动量飞轮失效,在某些特定的情况下,如何控制航天器的姿态问题还没有有效的方法.利用最优控制方法研究了带有两个动量飞轮的刚体航天器姿态优化控制问题.为此考虑系统角动量为零的情况下,将航天器姿态运动方程化为非完整形式约束方程,系统的控制问题可转化为无漂移系统的非完整运动规划问题.通过Ritz近似理论得到求解带有两个动量飞轮航天器姿态的运动规划控制算法.通过数值仿真,表明该方法对航天器姿态运动规划控制是有效的. The attitude of spacecraft can be controlled and thus reoriented arbitrarily via three momentum wheels.When one of the wheels fails to function properly,there is no effective way to control rigid spacecraft attitude motion in certain practical circumstances.Based on the optimal control theory,an optimal attitude control strategy was proposed for the rigid spacecraft with two momentum wheel actuators.The attitude motion equations were formulated for the spacecraft under a nonholonomic constraint resulting from the constant time-rate of its total angular momentum.The original control problem could be converted to a motion planning problem of a drift-free system.The Ritz approximation theory was applied to develop an algorithm for attitude motion planning of spacecraft with only two momentum wheel actuators.Numerical simulations has proved of the approach to be effective.
出处 《控制理论与应用》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第5期781-784,共4页 Control Theory & Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(10372014).
关键词 刚体航天器 姿态控制 运动规划 非完整约束 欠驱动 rigid spacecraft attitude control motion planning nonholonomic constraint underactuated
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