目的 调查研究细菌性阴道病合并支原体感染情况 ,为临床有关诊治提供依据。 方法 应用Amsel标准对 13 17例病人进行细菌性阴道病检测 ,采用快速支原体液体培养基对其中确诊的 3 5 3例细菌性阴道病患者和 15 0例健康体检者的阴道分泌物进行支原体培养。 结果 3 5 3例细菌性阴道病患者支原体感染阳性 2 19例 ,阳性率62 .0 4% ;15 0例健康体检者支原体感染阳性 17例 ,阳性率 11.3 3 % ,两者具有非常显著差异 (P <0 .0 1)。 结论 细菌性阴道病可能是支原体感染的诱因之一。细菌性阴道病合并支原体感染相当普遍 ,临床诊治时应该注意。
Objective To explore the infectious status of mycoplasma in bacterial vaginosis of genitourinary system and provided basis for clinical diagnosis and treatment. Methods Based on Amsel cariteria 1 317 bacterial vaginosis patients were examined and vaginou secretions from 353 diagnosed bacterial vaginosis patients and 150 healthy controls were cultured for mycobacterium with rapid culture medium. Results Out of the 353 patients 219 were found to be infected with Ureaplasma urealyticum(Uu) and Mycobacterium hominis (Mh)with a positive rate of 62.04%,Mycobacterium were detected from 17 healthy controls with a positive rate of 11.33%,showing significant differences between the two groups(p<0.01). Conclusion Bacterial vaginosis might be one of the causal factors for mycoplasma infection and attention be paid to diagnosis of the disease.
China Tropical Medicine