卫星综合信息网是天地一体化的网络 .其构成具有高度的动态特性 ,并且网络中的通信能力 ,计算能力等都是高成本的网络资源 ,同时卫星节点上的星载设备属于能源受限的设备 .如何对网络整体资源和性能进行可靠合理的调度与管理是维护网络正常运行 ,充分利用网络资源的关键所在 .为此 ,在针对卫星综合信息网网络管理的研究中 ,提出了关于网络资源管理和任务调度的概念 ,并在卫星综合信息网的管理协议
Integrated Satellite Information Network includes both those nodes in space and those on ground. It is a kind of network with high mobility. Resources in Network, such as communication and computing are highly- cost. Also equipments in satellite belong to energy-limited equipments. So how to conduct a reliable and reasonable management over resources and performance of network is the key to keep the whole network running in normal status and take good advantages of network resources. To solve this problem, resource management and task schedule is proposed in the network management and realized in a new object-oriented network management protocol MNMP.
Journal of Chinese Computer Systems
国家 8 63基金 (2 0 0 2 AA712 0 5 1)资助