适逢朝核危机白热化之际 ,美国提出对驻韩美军基地进行重新整合 ,必然有其深刻意含。整合拟分两阶段进行。整合后的驻韩美军不仅将具备更强大的震慑力量和更快速的反应能力 ,亦将成为美国构建全球范围下国家安全战略网络的先驱部队。重新部署驻韩美军是美国早已确定的全球范围下驻军调整行动的一部分 ,但此举无疑将加深朝鲜半岛南北双方的忧虑。这对本已危机重重的半岛问题而言 ,无疑又楔入了一个危险参数 。
The U.S. adjusted its garrison base in South Korea again just when the nuclear crisis of North Korea was almost white-hot, which had extensive strategic reasons.The adjustment will be applied in two stages. The U.S. garrison in Republic of Korea will not only have more powerful deterrent & more quickly reactive capability after the integration, but also will become the pioneer army of military security strategy web around the world which the U.S. established. It is a part of the garrison forces' adjustment in the world scopes that deployed the U.S. garrison in Republic of Korea again, which America has determined earlier. But it will certainly deepen the worries between the north and south of the Korean Peninsula.It is a dangerous variable for the Korean Peninsula problem, which has been bogged down in crisis. Its sensitive function & tendency effect will certainly bring to attention of every nation in the northeastern Asia.
Journal of Tongji University:Social Science Edition
U.S. Garrison in Republic of Korea
The Adjustment of Base
Increasing Function
Tendency Effect