孟子作为战国时期著名的思想家 ,其传播思想有深远的历史影响。孟子的传播思想建立在人性善的基本假设上。他认为传播的主要目的是传播孔子之道 ,正人心 ,息邪说 ;推行政治教化 ;争取民众的认同。对于作为传播者的士 ,他强调要有强烈的社会责任感 ,要求他们养浩然之气 ,动心忍性 ,积极进取 ,加强自身修养 ,同时反对自暴自弃 ,固步自封。他充分肯定了诚信在传播过程中的作用 ,主张尊重民意 ,讲真话 ,以理服人 ,以情动人。孟子传播思想对于今天的传播活动仍有一定的指导意义。
As a famous ideologist during the period of Warring States, the thoughts communication of Mencius have profound historical effect. Such thoughts are based on the supposition that human nature is good. He held that the primary aim of communication is to disseminate Confucianism, to push political civilizing, and to win the support of the public. Mencius stressed that the disseminator should possess strong sense of social responsibility. He also held that faithfulness is very important in the process of dissemination. His thoughts are of great referential value for today's communication activities.
Journal of Hunan Mass Media Vocational and Technical College