邹韬奋的新闻思想以为人民大众服务为主线 ,具体包括正确的动机观、为劳苦民众说话的立场观、充分满足读者需要的群众观、富有创造精神的业务观、具有阶级性和相对性的新闻自由观、以人格、报格为第一的新闻道德观等等。认真研究和继承发扬韬奋的新闻思想和职业精神 。
Serving the public is the main clue of Tao Fen's news thoughts, which include the idea of correct motive, the stand of speaking for laboring people, the idea of completely fulfilling readers' needs, the practical idea of creativity, the idea of press freedom with features of class and relativity, news moral idea, etc. Zou Taofen's news thoughts and achievements are well worth inheriting.
Journal of Hunan Mass Media Vocational and Technical College
教育部人文社会科学重大课题---<中国共产党 80年新闻思想研究>。项目批准号 :0 1 -ZA ZJD860 0 0 4