学校安全保卫工作事关师生人身安全和学校的财产安全 ,事关教育改革、发展、稳定大局。由于校园由封闭型向半封闭型、开放型的发展 ,校园人数的增多 ,保卫组织不健全 ,管理制度不落实等原因 ,造成校园的暴力型犯罪、火灾、爆炸 ,中毒等安全问题呈上升蔓延趋势。构建新型的校园安全防控系统 ,建立校园安全工作的长效机制是当前各级政府、学校亟待研究和解决的新课题。
The security work of a college is related to the safety of teachers' and students' lives and of the property of the college, and related to the overall situation of the reform, development and stability of education. As colleges become more and more open to the outside world, as the number of people in colleges increase, as the security organization in colleges is irregular, and as the system of management fails to be put into effect, the security problems such as violent crimes, fire disasters, explosions and poisoning in colleges are rising and spreading. Constructing a new campus security system with long-term effect is a new and urgent task for governments of different levels and for colleges to study and settle.
Journal of Hubei University of Police
campus security
a system of security prevention and controlling