对智能小区常用的几种网络系统进行了归纳和对比 ,应用模糊数学的方法 ,建立了智能小区网络系统性能评价模型 ,并利用该评价方法对智能小区网络系统性能进行了分析。评价结果表明该方法是符合实际情况的 ,同时对智能小区网络系统的规划和建设具有一定的指导意义。
Some network systems used in smart residential community are induced and contrasted in this paper.According to the fuzzy mathematics,the evaluation model of network systems in smart residential community is built.Using the model,the performances of the network systems in smart residential community are analyzed in details.The evaluation results indicate that the method accords with the actual situation and are useful to the plan and construction for the network systems in smart residential community.
Electrotechnical Journal
北京市教委科技项目 2 0 0 2KJ63