The Gacun polymetallic ore deposit is a typical submarine volcanic hydrotheremal -ex-halative sedimentary massive sulfide deposit discovered in recent years in China. There exists obvious zoning of the ore deposit from its bottom to top : lead-zinc ores, copper-zinc-lead-silver ores and barites, which is similar to yellow ore belt, black ore belt and barite ore belt in Kuroko ore deposits Japan. Most ores in the lower zone are of crystalline texture and veined-network strcuture. Those in the upper often are colloform, strawberry texture and massive ,lamellar stucture. The wall-rock alteration well developd in lead-zinc zone and under-lain volcanic rocks, but poorly developed in massive ore beds that lay in a relatively higher position. Based on the varity and intensity of the alteration, five zones of hydrothermal alteration are divided. Contents of Cu, Pb, Zn, Ag, Au,S,Ba and some other elements occurred in the ore-bearing zone increase in ascending direction of the strata. Recent study shows the vertical zoning of Gacun ore deposit is controlled by many fac-tores, such as, the temperature of the the ore-forming solution, the components of the ore-forming material, fo2 and pH , wall-rock lithology.
Volcanology & Mineral Resources
vertical zoning , massive sulfide ore deposit, Sichuan.