城域网是电话网、互联网、数据网和IP电话骨干网等业务在城市范围内的延伸和覆盖,给用户提供相应 的综合业务接入手段。近年来,铁通公司在抓紧建设城域网,以解决用户接入,向用户提供多样化业务。 本文提出了铁通深圳城域网组网建设方案,以建设一个满足市场需求、具备可扩展性、能服务于多种业务 的铁通深圳城域网。
As the extension and service deployment of the POTS, internet, data and IP phone network backbones in the metropolitan area, metropolitan area network will have the capability to offer subscribers the integrated access to the telecommunications services. In the recent years, China Railcom has accelerated the speed in building up its metropolitan area network around the nation, to provide the access to services and guarantee the variety of access methods. This paper makes a research to the networking scheme of China Railcom metropolitan area network in Shenzhen, and proposes a solution to design the metropolitan area network with the purpose to build up a market-oriented, scalable and multi-services supported metropolitan area network in Shenzhen.
Telecom Engineering Technics and Standardization