TCP友好的速率控制(TFRC)主要适用于实时数据传输的一种拥塞控制机制,具有突出的TCP友好性即 在相同的环回时间(RTT)下可以和TCP流享有近乎相同的带宽,从而避免了由于UDP等传输层协议缺 乏拥塞控制而带来的网络拥塞甚至崩溃。本文简要介绍了它的协议机制并通过一些仿真和试验的结果初步 讨论了其性能。
TCP friendly rate control (TFRC), a congestion control mechanism major designed for real-time data transmission, shares the same link bandwidth under same round trip time (RTT) with TCP flows. TFRC help to overcome the network congestion and even collapse that could be make by those transmission layer protocols like UDP. This essay introduce TFRC誷 mechanism in principle and make some discussion in TFRC誷 performance based on simulations and experiments.
Telecom Engineering Technics and Standardization