
铋含量对铅铋合金析氧行为的影响 被引量:2

Effect of bismuth content on oxygen evolution behaviors of lead-bismuth alloy in sulphuric acid solution
摘要 制备了铋含量为0~7.33%(质量百分数)的铅铋合金.用线性电位扫描、交流阻抗法以及气体收集实验研究了铅铋合金在硫酸溶液中的析氧行为,确定了相关的电化学动力学参数.研究结果表明,当铅铋合金中铋含量小于0.100%时,铋的存在对析氧反应几乎无影响,而当铋含量大于0.83%时,铋加快氧气的析出,且随铋含量增加,析氧过电位降低,电荷交换反应电阻减小,析氧量增加. Lead-bismuth alloys with Bi content from 0 to 7.33% are prepared. The oxygen evolution behavior on the prepared lead-bismuth alloys in sulphuric acid solution are studied by liner sweep voltammetry, measurement of the volume of oxygen evolution and alternative current impedance. When the Bi content in the lead-bismuth alloy is lower than 0.10%, there is no significant difference in oxygen evolution on lead-bismuth alloys and lead. However, when the Bi content in the alloy is higher than 0.83% , the effect of bismuth on oxygen evolution on lead-bismuth appears: the overpotential and the electron transfer resistance decrease and oxygen evolution volume increasees with increasing Bi content in the alloys.
出处 《电源技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第9期575-577,共3页 Chinese Journal of Power Sources
基金 广东省自然科学基金资助项目(031533)
关键词 铅酸蓄电池 铅铋合金 析氧动力学 交流阻抗 lead-acid battery lead-bismuth alloys oxygen evolution kinetic alternative current impedance
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