
提高导线允许温度的可行性研究和工程实施 被引量:51

Feasibility Study on Increasing Conductor Allowable Temperature and Engineering Practice
摘要 导线的允许温度由现行规范规定的 70℃提高到 80℃ ,可提高原有线路输送容量 2 0 % ,降低新建线路投资10 % ,具有显著的经济意义。国内外大量试验数据表明 :(1)导线允许温度提高到 80℃对线材强度无影响 ;(2 ) 80℃时的钢芯铝绞线强度基本上不低于计算拉断力 ;(3)导线温度 80℃时 ,金具温度不超过 6 7℃ ,金具电阻为等长导线电阻的 35 %~ 6 6 % ;金具温度在 80℃以下时 ,对握力没有影响。因此提高钢芯铝绞线 (LGJ或ACSR)导线允许温度到 80℃是可行的。导线允许温度从 70℃提高到 80℃ ,功率损耗和电能损耗增加甚微 ,一般档距增加弧垂 0 .5m左右 ,经论证和 5 0 0kV斗南、斗牌改造工程实践 ,证明采用 5 0℃定位。 Increasing the conductor allowable of 70 ℃ specified by the present specifications to 80 ℃can expand the transmission capacity of the lines by 20% and reduce the of new line by 10%, which is of realistic economic benefits. A great number of both foreign and domestic test data shows: (1) The increase of the conductor allowable temperature up to 80℃ has no effect on the strength of the wire; (2) The strength of the aluminum steel reinforced wire at 80℃ is no lower than the calculated tensile force; (3) As the conductor is at 80℃ and the temperature for the hardware is not beyond 67℃, the resistance of the hardware is 35%~66% of the resistance for the equal-length conductor; as the temperature for the hardware is below 80℃, it has no influence on the holding force. Therefore it is feasible to increase the conductor allowable temperature of the aluminum steel-reinforced wire (LGJ or ACSR) to 80℃.When the conductor allowable temperature increased from 70 ℃to 80 ℃,the power and energy loss has to be increased very little and the sag for a normal span is increased only by about 0.5 m.It has been proved that application of 50 ℃ for position,check of distance to the ground and distance of crossing span is reliable and safe through demonstration and engineering practice of 500 kV retrofitting projects.
机构地区 华东电力设计院
出处 《电力建设》 北大核心 2004年第9期1-7,28,共8页 Electric Power Construction
关键词 导线 允许温度 输送容量 线路设计 conductor allowable temperature transmission capacity line design
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