电力市场中勘测设计企业面对入世后的知识经济和全球一体化的大趋势 ,应在企业管理理念方面实行转变 ,实施战略管理 ,在管理决策和沟通机制上创新 ,实行决策的科学化和程序化。积极探索现代化管理手段和方法 ,熟悉国际规则与国际接轨。建立现代企业制度 ,引入竞争机制 ;组织结构的网络化 ,扁平化 ,实行专业化改组 ,建立企业家工程。进行技术创新 ,探索首席专家制和课题招投标 。
Under the power market the electric power survey and design institutes are faced to the tendency of global knowledge and economy integration after China entering into WTO. The institutes should urgent to carry out the management renovation, including changing the management ideas, establishing the strategic management, renovating the management policy and communication system, implementing the scientific and procedure decision-make. They should actively seek for modernized management way and methods, familiar with the international rules and connection with the world, set up the modern enterprises, import the competitive system, realize network of organization, etc.
Electric Power Construction