空心电抗器在瞬变过程中会流过较大的电流 ,导致电动力剧增 ,甚至使电抗器发生故障。因此 ,有必要计算空心电抗器在瞬变过程中承受的电动力。考虑了空心电抗器空载合闸。首先对空心电抗器空载合闸后流过空心电抗器的瞬态电流进行了分析 ,瞬态电流由稳态分量和按指数规律衰减的暂态分量组成 ,稳态电流是电抗器的额定运行分量 ,而暂态电流的衰减则由回路时间常数决定。文中给出了一个干式空心电抗器的计算模型 ,对其进行瞬态磁场 -电路耦合计算 。
The leads carrying current included in envelopments of air-core reactor are all in magnetic field, where electric strength exists. Electromagnetic force can produce mechanical stress and pass it to other components of air-core reactor partly. Biggish current will flow through the reactor, result in electric strength's sharp augment and make the reactor destroyed even in the transient change process. Thus, it's necessary to calculate the electromagnetic force in the process. Closing brake without load is considered in this thesis. The transient current and the electromagnetic force are analyzed. In the end the distribution is given.
Electric Switchgear