结合目前大功率电动机用自耦变压器降压起动的方法 ,从经济、可靠的角度考虑 ,提出用PLC来控制一台自耦变压器分时起动 5台电动机 ,并给出系统主回路和控制电路接线图 ,以及PLC部分主要程序 ,并具体阐述了其实现方法。
Considering the present methods of starting high power motors used autotransformers, the article brings forward a method of using an autotransformer starting five motors, which is based on the view of economy and dependability Furt hermore, the article provides the main circuit, controlling circuit and the partial program of PLC, and expounds the implement of this method detailedly
Electrotechnical Journal