在数据库应用中 ,由服务器或数据库管理系统故障引起的数据破坏或数据库服务中断时有发生 ,对于多数实时性较强的应用系统 ,其数据库的数据安全性要求很高。文章基于网关构架 ,利用 SQL Server ODS技术 ,设计并实现了数据库在线热备份系统 ,可以实现对多种数据库在多种平台和多种网络环境下的数据库透明安全保护。实际应用证明 。
In many database usages, it is common that the database service is interrupted or not safe because of the fault of the server or the database system. For most real-time system, the database safety is very important. In the paper, we design and implement an online database backup system based on gateway and ODS technology. The system can be used for protecting the database safely on multi-platform and multi-network. Application shows that it is practical and feasible.
Computer and Communications