
正视“公平”,寻求解决当前贫富差距悬殊的途径 被引量:1

Resolutions to the Current Wide Gap Between the Rich and the Poor by Envisaging the Issue of “Fairness”
摘要 改革开放 2 0多年来 ,我国实行的以“效率优先 ,兼顾公平”为原则的分配政策 ,调动了人民群众的生产积极性 ,推动了我国经济的大踏步跨越。然而 ,随着社会经济的发展 ,贫富差距悬殊的问题也日益突显。究其贫富差距悬殊的根源 ,在于法制化水平低、利益协调机制差、打击非法行为不力等社会运行机制方面的原因。而解决好这一问题又是贯彻落实“三个代表”重要思想、加快全面建设小康社会的重要保证。从当前来看 ,可从进一步创新性地运用“效率优先、兼顾公平”原则 ,完善相关的法律法规 ,加强宏观调控和政策引导 ,并从根除寻租行为、建立税收代理制、重建农会、支持西部教育科技文化事业等方面入手 。 Since the reform and opening to the outside world 20 odd years ago, we have implemented the distribution policy that is on the principle of“giving priority to efficiency with due consideration to fairness”.It motivates people's production initiatives and promotes great economic development. However, with the development of social economy, the issue of wide gap between the rich and the poor becomes more and more obvious. Tracing it to its source, it lies in some reasons of social operation mechanism, such as low level of legalization, the bad interest coordination and inadequate efforts to crack down illegal activities. And resolving the issue is also a vital assurance for implementing“Three Represents”and accelerating the construction of a well-off society in all scale. Now, we can strike for breakthrough and get the stage achievement by further applying the principle of“giving priority to efficiency with due consideration to fairness”, consummating the relevant laws and regulations, strengthening macro-adjustment and policy induction. We can also start to eliminate tax agent system, rebuild up agriculture committees and support education and science and technology and culture project in Western China to achieve the above goal.
作者 马荣
出处 《集美大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2004年第3期5-11,共7页 Journal of Jimei University:Philosophy and Social Sciences
关键词 公平 贫富差距 悬殊 解决途径 fairness gap between the rich and the poor wide gap resolution
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  • 1中共中央关于完善社会主义市场经济体制若干问题的决定[M].



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