本文对我院内科1958年元月~1987年12月因发热待查住院患者的临床资料进行了回顾性分析。临床资料一、病例选择标准:发热两周以上未能确诊者均为本组病例,计247例。二、资料介绍及分析 (一)一般资料:247例中,年龄最小13岁,最大72岁,平均32.3岁,多见于40岁以下,共180例,占72.9%,40岁以上67例,占27.1%;男145例,占58.7%,女102例,占41.3%;工人、农民患者最多,共129例,占52.2%,干部60例,占24.3%;回族28例,汉族200例,二者之比为1:7.4,另19例民族记录不详。 (二)病种分类:本组病例至出院时确诊者227例,占91.9%,未确诊者(不明热)20例,占8.1%。其中感染组174例,占70.5%,非感染组53例,占21.4%,详见附表。
247 cases of continued, irregular/remittent fever admitted as FOU in-patients of our Dept. of Int. Med. during years 1958-1987 were reviewed and analyzed, the specific diagnoses of them all not yet established since the onset of fever for at least 2wk. During their discharge, specific diagnoses of 8.1% of them still remained unconfirmed. Of the remaining 91.9% group, established diagnoses were as follows: (1) Infections and infectious diagnoses, 70.4%, comprising mainly of respiratory tract infections and typhoid/paratyphoid; septicemia and brucellosis by no means rare. (2) Non-infective diseases, 21.5%, consisting chiefly of connective tissue diseases, and hematologic diseaes being approximately half of the former. ※including pulmonap TB and leural TB
Ningxia Medical Journal