以 8 0 0MHz带通滤波器 (BPF)为例 ,论述了如何应用Bessel函数进行发射机BPF的设计 ,同时利用Pspice仿真软件对设计结果进行波特图和群延迟特性仿真。用最优化理论对所设计出的发射机滤波器进行调整 ,使其性能误差最小不超过 0 .2 %。在工程应用上与其他发射机滤波器进行比较 ,表明具有应用价值 ,可用于无线广播、移动通信等领域。
To satisfy the need of the communication transmitter, this paper takes 800 MHz BPF asexample to discuss how to design the BPF with Bessel function. The baud graph and group delay characteristics of the designed filter are simulated using the newest Pspice software. Finally the BPF is compared with other BPFs, and the results show that it has application value.
Electronic Engineer