本文对WebService的理论和技术等基本特征进行了探讨 ,对WebService的相关技术XML和SOAP等进行了介绍 ,利用该技术的跨平台可互操作性构建了一个分布式人员信息数据库查询模型。由于WebService很好的体现了客户端和服务器端操作的透明性 ,用户只要在客户端输入一定的查询条件而不需要知道对应的数据库的位置和结构 ,也不需知道服务器是怎么实现的。客户和服务器的耦合程度很低 ,服务器暴露出远程对象的接口 ,而客户端就好像在使用本地使用这些对象的接口一样 ,实现了不同平台之间的互操作性。
The theory and basic technology charactersabout Web Service are discussed in this paper,it also introduces the relevant technology of XML and SOAP.A model of distributed personal information database search is constructed using the cross-platform interoperated technology.Because Web Service embodies the transparent operation between the server and client,so long as the user input certain inquiry condition without knowing the position and structure of the corresponding database also the implementation of the server.The server and client are loosely coupled and the server exposes the interface to the remote object,which can be used by the client just like using it locally,and this realize the interoperability among diffrent platforms.So it shows that the Web Service can supply the strong technology for distributed database search.