
重力场定义的澄清 被引量:4

Clarification of the definition of a gravity field
摘要 《朗曼现代英文词典》(LongmanModernEnglishDictionary)、《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》(OxfordAdvancedLearner’sEnglish ChineseDictionary)、《韦氏词典》(Merriam Webster’sNewCollegiateDictionary)、作为地球物理专业词汇定义源的《勘探地球物理百科词典》(EncyclopedicDictionaryofExplorationGeo physics)以及中国的一些重力教科书、专著及词典 ,把重力场定义为重力或重力作用存在的空间 ,重力效应可以测量的空间 ,即 :力或重力存在的空间。这个定义不同于国外英文地球物理教科书、专著及中、英、俄文场论教科书对重力场的定义 :空间中的重力。定义重力场为重力存在的空间 ,混淆了“场”本身及“场域”的概念 ,并不是一个标准的物理或地球物理定义 ,是一种误导。物理场是空间中存在的一种物理作用或效应 ,分布于引起它的场源体周围。两个物体之间存在着的相互作用力 ,通过每个物体引起的引力场给予另一个物体。重力场可以定义如下 :地球内部及其附近空间一点处存在的重力作用 ,或单位质量受到的重力。重力场是一种力或力场 ,存在于地球表面及其附近的空间。重力场不是空间 ,重力场的测量应当是在重力场存在的空间或场域中 ,而不是在重力场中进行。 Longman Modern English Dictionary, Oxford Advanced Learner's English-Chinese Dictionary, Merriam-Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, Encyclopedic Dictionary of Exploration Geophysics, and Chinese gravity textbooks, monographs and dictionary define gravity field as a region or a space in which a gravitational effect exists, or gravitational forces can be detected. i.e. a space in which force or gravitational effect exists. This definition differs significantly from another definition in the geophysical literature and theory of fields textbooks, which is usually given as the gravitational force at any point within a region or a space. Defining the gravity field as a region or a space is a misleading concept in geophysics. It is not a standard physics definition of a field and thus it confuses the field itself with the region over which the field exists. Physical fields is a physical phenomenon or effect in space domain, distributes over the region surrounding the generator. A force exerted on an object by the other object is exerted through a gravitational field caused by the latter. A gravity field is defined as a gravity effect in a space or on the surface of the earth or its vicinity,and also a gravity exerted on a unit mass at a point in the space. The gravity field is a force or a force field rather than a space. A measurement of gravity fields should be made in a region or a space in which gravity fields exist rather than in gravity fields.
出处 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 2004年第4期595-599,共5页 Earth Science Frontiers
关键词 物理场 重力场 定义 physical field gravity field definition
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