道德规范教育如今已经提升到了专业的水平。因此在专业领域里 (例如工程学和医学 ) ,道德规范教育应作为必修课程。但至今很多理科课程仍没有把它列为必修课。这就给我们提出了一个疑问 :理科是专业课程吗 ?如果是的话 ,那么科学家例如动物学家需不需要熟悉他们职责范围内的道德准则和尺度呢 ?动物学家对医学上暴露的一些问题很敏感———包括我们怎样对待动物以及我们怎样或者是否开展基因工程。但是从道德观念上来看 ,道德规范教育的实行是比这两件事更实际的。这篇论文就以上观点进行了进一步的论述 ,并且对把道德规范教育加入理科课程的需求和可能性做了评估。在现实社会里 ,动物科学家是被敬重的专业人士。他们每天面对着许多极可能影响我们生活环境的决策。有鉴于此 ,动物科学家必需掌握道德规范的标准 ,并且有能力做出与此相符合的决策。
Ethics involves the application of morality in a professional setting; in light of this, the teaching of ethics is mandatory in professional degrees such as engineering and medicine. To date it is not a mandatory component of most science curricula. This begs the question: is science a profession? If it is, do scientists such as zoologists need to understand the ethical framework and constructs within which they function? Zoologists are currently enjoying considerable media exposure-much of it involving how we treat animals and how (or whether) we carry out genetic engineering. There is however much more, from an ethical perspective, to a practising zoologist than these two issues. This paper examines these, and assesses the need and potential for inclusion of ethics within the zoological sciences curriculum. It is contended that zoologists are professionals, and are increasingly asked to make decisions that have the potential to significantly alter our environment. In light of this, all practicing zoologists must have a clear understanding of ethical constructs, and an ability to make ethically informed decisions. This has far reaching consequences on the way in which we teach zoology, and the manner in which we ensure continuing professional development of zoologists .