目的分析老年性充血性心力衰谒 (简称老年性心衰 )伴心律失常发病规律 ,为临床防治提供依据。方法回顾性分析了78例患者 ,男49例 ,女29例 ,年龄60~88岁 ,平均69.1岁。结果心律失常发生率为88.4 % ,以室性早搏 (室早 )发生率最高 (87.2% ) ,其次是房性早搏 (房早 )79.5% ,窦性心动过速46.2 % ,室上性心动过速 (室上速 )33.3% ,心房纤颤 (房颤 )25.6% ,室性心动过速 (室速 )20.5 %。结论治疗老年性心衰伴心律失常纠正心功能不全是治疗的关键 ,还要注重老年人生理特点及电解质(尤其是钾和镁 )的失调 ,对于抗心律失常药物应慎用。
Objective To analyse the pathogenesis of the old men's congestive heart failure(CHF)compliˉcated by cardiac arrhythmia,thus providing basis for clinical prevention and treatment.Methods We reviewed and analyzed the78cases of the old men's congestive heart failure complicated by cardiac arrhythmia.49are male and29are female.The ration is1.69:1,the age ranges from60to88,averaging69.1.Results The percentage of the people who suffered from cardiac arrhythmia is88.4%.In the cases of cardiac arrhythmia,ventricular premaˉture beat has the highest percentage(87.2%),the others being auricular premature beat,sinus tachycardia,atriˉal fibrillation,supraventricular tachycardia,ventricular tachycardia,the percentages of which are79.5%,46.2%,33.3%,25.6%,and20.5%respectively.Conclusions The key to treating congestive heart failure is that attention should be paid to the old people's physiological features,disorder of electrolyte like potassium and magnesium and the treatment of the cardiac functional insufficiency.Anti-cardiac arrhythmia pill should be cautiously used.