
高低分子量麦谷蛋白亚基构成及其对小麦烘烤品质的效应分析 被引量:8

Composition of high molecular weight glutenin subunits and low molecular weight glutenin subunits, and their effect on baking quality in wheat
摘要 Glu 1位点等位基因编码的高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基(HMW GS)和Glu 3位点等位基因编码的低分子量麦谷蛋白亚基(LMW GS)是决定小麦加工品质的重要因素。用澳大利亚优质面包小麦Sunstate的两个杂交组合,即Sunstate/鲁麦21和Sun state/济南16F2代,研究了Glu 1和Glu 3位点等位变异对小麦烘烤品质的影响。结果表明,当材料为非1BL/1RS易位系,位点对小麦烘烤品质的贡献大小为,Glu D1>Glu B1=Glu A3>Glu B3;当材料为1BL/1RS易位系,位点对小麦烘烤品质的贡献大小为,Glu B3>Glu B1>Glu D1>Glu A3。1BL/1RS易位对小麦烘烤品质有显著的负面影响。就单个亚基而言,在Glu B1位点17+18>7+8,在Glu D1位点5+10>2+12和4+12,在Glu A3位点GluA3b>GluA3a,在Glu B3位点GluB3d>GluB3h>GluB3j。 Composition of high molecular weight glutenin subunits and low molecular weight glutenin subunits plays an important role in determinating the baking quality in common wheat.F_2 populations of Sunstate/ Lumai 21 and Sunstate/Jinan 16 were used to investigate the effect of allelic variation in Glu-1 and Glu-3 loci on baking quality. The contribution of different glutenin subunit loci to the baking quality was significantly influenced by 1BL/1RS translocation. Different glutenin subunit loci could be ranked as Glu-D1>Glu-B1=Glu-A3>Glu-B3 when translocation was absent. Different glutenin subunit loci could be ranked as Glu-B3>Glu-B1>Glu-D1>Glu-A3 if translocation was present. Lines carrying 1BL/1RS translocation showed significantly delerious effect on baking quality.At Glu-B1, 17+18>7+8;at Glu-D1, 5+10>2+12 and 4+12, at Glu-A3, GluA3b>GluA3a,and at Glu-B3, GluB3d>GluB3h>GluB3j.
出处 《西南农业学报》 CSCD 2004年第5期552-557,共6页 Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences
基金 云南省科技攻关(2001NG18) 国际合作(99C004)项目资助
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