将取得病理确诊的 42例进展期胃癌患者 ,采用FOLFOX4方案化疗 (奥沙利铂 85mg/m2 ,静脉滴入 2h ,d1;醛氢叶酸 2 0 0mg/m2 ,静脉滴入 2h ,d1、d2 ;5 FU 40 0mg/m2 ,静脉推注 ,随后 5 FU 60 0mg/m2 持续静脉滴入 2 2h ,d1、d2 ) ;每 2周重复为 1个周期 ,至少 2个周期评价疗效。 42例患者均可评价疗效 ,其中完全缓解 (CR) 2例 ( 4 8% ) ,部分缓解 (PR) 18例 ( 4 2 9% ) ,稳定 (SD) 16例 ( 3 8 1% ) ,进展 (PD) 6例 ( 14 2 % ) ;全组总有效率 (ORR)为 47 7%。初治组有效率 5 9 1% ( 13 / 2 2 ) ,有 2例CR ;复治组有效率 3 5 0 % ( 7/ 2 0 ) ,无CR病例。两组差异无统计学意义 ,P =0 118,χ2 =2 43 8。主要的毒副反应为神经性毒性、骨髓抑制和恶心
The objective is to observe the efficacy and adverse effects of FOLFOX4 regimen (Oxaliplatin /LV/ 5-FU) for advanced gastric cancer.Forty-two patients with pathologic diagnosis of stageⅢB or stage Ⅳgastric cancer were enrolled in the study. The patients were treated with Oxaliplatin 85 mg/m 2 infusion for 2 hours on day 1; Leucovorin 200 mg/m 2 infusion for 2 hours on day 1,2; after that 5-FU 400 mg/m 2 bolus on day 1,2 and then 5-FU 600 mg/m 2 c.i.v using an ambulatory pump for 22 hours on day 1,2; administrated in 2 week cycle. Every patient was treated for two cycles then evaluated. An objective response was obtained in 47.7%(20/42) of patients (2 complete responses and 18 partial responses), whereas 16 patients had no change and 6 patients were progressive. The response rate was 59.1%(13/22)in native patients and 35.0%(7/20) in pretreated patients, no significant difference existed between the two groups, (P=0.118,χ 2=2.438). The main toxicities were neuropathy, bone marrow suppression and nausea/vomiting.
China Journal of Cancer Prevention and Treatment
gastric neoplasms/drug therapy
antineoplastic agents/administration & dosage
drug therapy, combination