目的 对陕西佛坪建立山茱萸规范化种植基地的适宜性进行评价 ,为佛坪县进行山茱萸规范化种植提供科学依据。方法 采用国家规定的相关标准及其分析方法和相关的文献方法从区域性、安全性、可操作性三个方面对佛坪县山茱萸种植基地进行了分析与评价。结果 佛坪是山茱萸的道地产区 ,大气、土壤、灌溉水等环境因子均符合国家规定的标准。
Objective To analysis the compatibility of the standardized cultivation of Macrocarpium officinale Sieb.et Zucc.in Foping in Shaanxi province and give a scientical foundation for the further cultivation.Method The analyzed methods of national standard and other methods used in references were adopted in this study.Result Foping was the initial production site of Macrocarpium officinale Sieb.et Zucc.. The quality of air, soil and irrigation water reached the limited level of the related national standards.Conclusion The production site in Foping meets the requirements of the standardized cultivation of Macrocarpium officinale Sieb.et Zucc.
Research and Practice on Chinese Medicines
国家"十五"科技攻关资助项目 ( 2 0 0 1BA70 1A3 5 )