介绍ALSTOM公司生产的MICOM P系列保护。该系列保护有一个各种保护都可应用的软件平台,在这个平台上可以非常方便地对保护装置进行管理和维护。该套系列保护在设计理念、软硬件及通信等辅助功能的设置等方面都有较全面的考虑,对我国保护装置的研发很有借鉴意义。
The paper introduces characteristics of MICOM P protection devices manufactured by ALSTOM Corp. The protection setting provides a platform for various sorts of appliance softwares. It is very convenient for protection supervising and maintaining on the platform. The design considerations on theory, soft/hardwares and communication are very comprehensive. The information provided in this paper can be a reference for the protection design in China.