
TESCERAATL一种间接性修复树脂修复体的临床制作 被引量:2

Clinical Fabrication of TESCERA ATL as Indirect Repair Resin
摘要 TESCERAATL是一种新型的间接性修复树脂系统 ,在修复体的制作过程中通过压力 ,光照、水浴加热使修复本聚合。临床应用于贴面、嵌体、高嵌体、全冠、桥、活动修复。该修复系统不仅达到极佳的美学效果 ,而且在机械性能、表面抗玷污、抗着色方面有了较大的改进。本文主要介绍了TESCERAATL修复系统的临床应用和制作过程 ,以及特性、优点。 TESCERA ATL is a new kind system of indirect repair resin during procedure the pressure, light and water healing could make complex body get together. It used in clinic as veener, inlay, high inlay, whole crown, bridge and active repair. This system not only reach the perfect aesthetics effect, but also has improvements in mechanics, surface anti-pollution and anti-pigmenting. This paper had introduced the clinical application, fabrication and their characteristics, advantage of TESCERA ATL.
出处 《黑龙江医学》 2004年第11期832-833,共2页 Heilongjiang Medical Journal
关键词 口腔医学 TESCERAATL 复合树脂 制作 TESCERA ATL Complex resin
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