20世纪90年代以来,随着电脑的应用和互联网快速发展,人们通过网络实 现快速、远距离的电子商务活动的需求越来越高,电子签名应运而生。经过 两年多的调研修订,首部信息化法律——《电子签名法》终于诞生。
E-commerce will pass a major milestone in China this year when the Digital Signature Law goes into effect, although the legislation's full influence won't be likely felt for some time. The law is designed to make consumers and business persons feel more secure about sealing big-ticket deals, such as buying a house, by making an electronic signature just as binding as one in ink. While this is an important first step in moving all aspects of business online, analysts say it will take time for the project to gain consumer's confidence.
China Science and Technology Fortune Magazine