本实验室已建立了激光微束向植物细胞导入外源基因的试验程序。用已建立的程序对多种经济作物和林木进行外源基因导入的研究,均得到了GUS基因瞬时表达的结果,正在继续研究GUS基因的整合表达。 广泛地选用了不同科属的植物及不同外植体进行外源基因导入的研究,所用材料如下:在被子植物中选用单子叶无性繁殖的兰科花卉兰花(Dendrobium)小圆球茎为外植体;以双子叶植物中的草本植物锦葵科的棉花(G.hirsulum L.)再生胚状体为外植体;十字花科油菜。
This paper proposed a technique of infroduction of the exogenous genes into the different species of plants and explant by using laser microbeam irradiation. The materials aset in the experiments are embryonic callus, embryoids and cormels of cotton, rape, rubber, orchid and dragon spruce and so on. The instantaneous expression of GUS genes are obtained in all experiments, which provide the possibility for the extensive application of laser microbeam technique to the gene transformation of various higher plants.
Acta Laser Biology Sinica