胜利油田临盘采油厂使用油管内壁悬挂测试装置进行水井压降测试。该工艺先后使用了钟机式、挂壁式、提拉式三种机械式脱挂装置 ,现使用TSK Ⅱ型电子脱挂装置进行测试。该装置操作简便、释放深度准确、打捞容易 ,保证了水井压降测试资料的准确录取及测试任务的顺利完成。
Hung up equipment at tubing inner wall is used in Linpan recovering oil factory of Shengli oilfield to conduct draw down pressure test in water wells,which is changed from formerly mechanical departed device like clock type,hung up kind or pulling up to separate to TSK-Ⅱ model controlled by electronic system that is easy to operate,be retrieved and released at correct depth,that ensure recording draw down testing data in water wells accurately and accomplish work smoothly.
Well Testing