
新型可控磁流液阻尼器的应用研究 被引量:2

Review on Application of New Controllable Magnetorheological Fluid Damper
摘要 可控磁流液 (MR)阻尼器具有半主动控制、快恢复、体积小、输入功率低、易安装、安全、可靠、静音、商品化等优点 ,是近年来国际工程振动抑制领域广泛研究的热点问题 ,可望取代普通的无源液压阻尼器 ,成为新一代工程振动抑制阻尼器件 ,对工程结构性系统减振性能提高带来革命性的突破 .论文重点介绍该智能驱动器件的基本工作原理和主要的性能特点 ,以及描述其阻尼力对相对速度 (f-v)工作特性的滞环非线性模型 ,并结合路面汽车的性能要求 ,对该类滞环非线性系统的控制问题提出了若干研究方向 。 The controllable magneto rheological (MR) fluid damper, owing to its advantages of semi active control, fast recovery, small volume, lower input power, easy implementation, safety, reliability, quiet, product, etc , has recently been an active study subject in the field of international engineering vibration attenuation, which may replace the conventional hydraulic damper and become a new generation element to highly improve the vibration control performance of engineering construction system. Emphasis is placed in this paper on introduction of the fundamental operation mechanism and main performance features of this smart material element, and the hysteresis nonlinear models characterizing its force versus relative velocity (f-v) property. Furthermore, some research trends are suggested for the controller synthesis of the hysteresis nonlinear system such as road vehicle suspension, thus may be helpful to accelerate the application study of this smart actuator in real engineering system.
出处 《南京师范大学学报(工程技术版)》 CAS 2003年第2期35-40,共6页 Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology Edition)
基金 国家留学基金委"高访项目"基金 ( 2 0H0 5 0 0 2 ) 南京师范大学"跨世纪学术带头人"青兰工程基金 ( 1113 2 0 0BL11) 留学回国人员科研启动基金 ( 2 0 0 2DQYXLH170 4) 加拿大肯戈迪亚大学博士研究生奖学金联合资助
关键词 磁流液阻尼器 振动抑制 滞环非线性模型 非线性控制 magneto rheological fluid damper, vibration suspension, hysteresis nonlinear model, nonlinear control
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