《西游记》中的猪八戒之所以成为人见人爱的艺术形象 ,关键在于人们取其观赏价值中的多重艺术品格。猪八戒形象设计中的悲剧品格在于为了掩饰自己的先天不足所作的努力使人同情和感动 ,他的喜剧品格在于他满口的幽默语言 ,让无数读者为之捧腹。猪八戒从佛学意义上看是个充满了错误并急需要进行改造的人 ,通过改造这样的人 ,对社会对人生有一定的启迪和示范作用 。
The key to the popularity of the Pig depicted in the Journey to the West lies in people's appreciation of the mutiple artistic qualities of the character. The tragic quality of the Pig is reflected in his sympathizing and moving efforts to conceal his inherent shortcomings and the comedic quality is expressed in his uproarious humourous language. In Buddhist sense, the Pig is an erroneous figure who needs to be transformed immediately. The process of transforming such a figure can provide some implications for human society and life, which is of great significance in promoting social progress.
Journal of Xi’an Shiyou University:Social Science Edition