利用低压 MOCVD技术在蓝宝石衬底上生长了高性能的 Al Ga N/Ga N二维电子气 (2 DEG)材料 ,室温和 77K温度下的电子迁移率分别为 94 6和 2 5 78cm2 /(V· s) ,室温和 77K温度下 2 DEG面密度分别为 1.3× 10 1 3和 1.2 7×10 1 3cm- 2 .并利用 Al Ga N/Ga N二维电子气材料制造出了高性能的 HEMT器件 ,栅长为 1μm,源漏间距为 4 μm,最大电流密度为 4 85 m A/mm(VG=1V) ,最大非本征跨导为 170 m S/mm(VG=0 V) ,截止频率和最高振荡频率分别为6 .7和 2 4
The super AlGaN/GaN two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) material on sapphire su bstrate is grown by low-pressure MOCVD method.Hall measurement reveals that th e mobility of 946cm2/(V·s) at room temperature and sheet charge density of a bout 1.3×10 13 cm -2 could be achieved.The mobility and sheet charge den sity at low temperature (77K) is 2578cm2/(V·s) and 1.27×10 13cm -2 ,respectively.Based on the AlGaN/GaN 2DEG material,a super AlGaN/GaN HEMT is fabricated.The AlGaN/GaN HEMT with L G=1μm and L SD=4μm exhibit s the maximum drain current density of 485mA/mm(V G=1V) and the maximum ext rinsic transconductance of 170mS/mm(V G=0V).Small signal measurement revea ls f T of 6.7GHz and f max of 24GHz.
国家重点基础研究发展规划和国防预先研究基金 (编号 :413 0 80 60 10 6)资助项目~~