采用了带TouCAN、具有较强功能模块的MC6 8376单片机 ,实现了电液伺服机构测试系统的设计 ,实现了对电液伺服机构各项性能的测试 ,并能监测测试进程。介绍了MC6 8376的各模块功能在电液伺服机构测试系统中的应用 ,以及在该测试系统中CAN通信软件及相关接口电路的设计。
The use of MC68376 with TouCAN controller can facilitates the design of the electric hydrauic test system, because of its stong function. This hydraulic test system realize all kinds function test of electric hydrauic machine and can inspect the test process. This article introduce the use of MC68376 module function in the electric hydrauic test system and the soft-ware design of CAN communication and the design of the related connection circuit.
Journal of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering