
局部有限超拓扑的局部紧性 被引量:1

Local Compactness of Locally Finite Topology
摘要 本文讨论了赋予局部有限拓扑的非空闲子集超空间的局部紧性.主要结果是:X正则,则其闭子集超空间局部紧当且仅当X可表示成一个紧空间与一个离散空间的拓扑和. In this paper the local compactness of the nonempty closed subsets hyperspaces with locally finite topology is discussed. The main result is as follows: Let X be a regular space, then the nonempty closed subsets hyperspace is locally compact iff X can be represented as the sum of a compact space and a discrete space.
出处 《Journal of Mathematical Research and Exposition》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第4期705-709,共5页 数学研究与评论(英文版)
关键词 局部有限拓扑 超空间 局部紧 locally finite topology hyperspace locally compact.
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