本文介绍了在基于客户机 服务器模式下 ,开发MIS所采用有效而安全访问数据库的技术和方法。首先是数据库安全性。对视图、存储过程 ,在数据库服务器 (SQLServer)设置用户ID和口令 ;其次是应用程序安全性。所有的应用程序在数据库服务器设置用户组表 ,表中存储着应用程序为其访问数据库而设置的不同的权限。最后 ,应用ADO技术中的三个对象 :Connection、Command、Recordset,对数据库服务器中的数据实现安全、快速地访问。
This paper introduce technologies and methods of efficient and security accessing Database in developing management information system based on Client/Serve. The methods include Database security , application programm security and ADO technology. First, users ID and passwords are set up for views and stored procedures in Database Server(SQL Server); Second, user group tables of all application programming are configured in Database Server and all the permissions are stored in these tables.So that applying program are allowed to access the Database. Finally , three object(Connection、Command、Recordset) of ADO technology are applied. These technology implements efficient and security access data of Database Server(SQL Server)
Journal of Shenyang Institute of Aeronautical Engineering