目的 :分析球形肺炎的CT表现 ,探讨CT诊断及鉴别诊断价值。方法 :分析 11例经临床及影像学确诊的球形肺炎 ,全部经CT检查 ,8例经抗炎治疗后病灶基本或全部吸收、消失 ,3例手术及病理证实。结果 :11例球形肺炎较常见的CT表现是病灶易发生在两肺下叶 ,共 9例 ,密度均匀 6例 ,晕圈样密度 5例 ;类圆形或方形 9例 ,边缘模糊、毛糙或呈锯齿形 6例。病灶周围血管纹理增强 11例 ,靠近胸膜处病灶胸膜反应明显 8例。结论 :球形肺炎与肺内其他球形病变的CT表现有相似之处 ,但球形肺炎具有较特殊的炎性病变CT征象 ,结合抗炎治疗动态观察 ,诊断应无困难。CT上应注意与周围型肺癌、结核球及早期和进展期传染性非典型肺炎鉴别。
Objective:To analyse CT manifestations of spherical pneumonia and evaluate the value of CT in diagnosis and differential diagnosis.Methods:CT findings of 11 cases of clinically confirmed spherical pneumonia were retrospectively analysed.Results:The common CT findings were in bilateral lower lung in 9 cases,with homogeneous density in 6 cases,with halo-like magins in 5 case,roundish or square shape in 9 cases,with vague,coarse sawtooth margin in 6 cases,intensified vascularmar king surounding fain 11 cases,increased pleural reactions in 8 cases.Conclusion:Some characteristics of spherical pneumonia could be found with CT,it is valuable in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of spherical pneumonia.
Inner Mongolia Medical Journal