目的 探讨马尔尼菲青霉菌的鉴定及临床表现 ,为早期诊断、治疗提供经验 ,降低死亡率。方法 取淋巴结穿刺液、血液进行真菌培养鉴定。结果 氢氧化钠涂片和革兰染色能检出马尔尼菲青霉菌所特有的孢子。结论 氢氧化钠涂片和革兰染色能早期发现真菌孢子 ,是一种快速、可行的方法 ,此外 ,组织病理学也可作为诊断马尔尼菲青霉病的一种很重要的方法 ,但需做过碘酸雪夫染色与荚膜组织胞浆菌病作鉴别。
OBJECTIVE To explore the identification method and the clinic character of Penicillium marneffei. METHODS Sodium hydroxide smear of the liquid of lymphonodus puncture, Gram staining, Sabouraud′s culture and series of identification were carried out. RESULTS The special spore of P. marneffei could be found by sodium hydroxide smear of the liquid of lymphonodus puncture and Gram staining. CONCLUSIONS Sodium hydroxide smear and Gram stain by which the spore of fungus can found early is a quick advisable method. In addition, pathology is an important method for penicilliosis marneffei diagnosis, but it must distinguish with histoplasmosis capsulatum by periodic acid Schiff staining.
Chinese Journal of Nosocomiology