
老年女性排尿困难的尿动力学分析 被引量:4

Urodynamic analysis of dysuria in older females
摘要 目的 :研究以排尿困难为主诉的老年女性患者的尿动力学变化及其临床意义。方法 :女性患者 ,年龄 6 0~ 89岁 ,临床表现为排尿费力 ,采用尿动力学方法检查尿流率、同步膀胱压力容积流率及肛门括约肌肌电图测定 ,部分患者同步透视下行影像尿动力学检查。结果 :神经原性膀胱尿道功能障碍占 2 7.3% ,逼尿肌收缩力低下占 34.1% ,膀胱颈梗阻为 4 .5 % ,尿道远端狭窄 13.6 % ,不稳定膀胱 6 .8% ,非神经原性逼尿肌外括约肌协同失调占 4 .5 % ,感觉性尿急 2 .3% ,正常 6 .8%。结论 :尿动力学检查能了解膀胱的功能状况和膀胱出口梗阻的部位 ,为临床治疗提供了可靠的依据。 Objective:To investigate the causes and the clinical significance of dysuria in older females with urodynamic studies. Methods:the 44 older females with voiding difficulties were evaluated with urodynamic examination. Results:27.3% of the patients with voiding difficulties were neurogenic bladder, 34.1% of patients were detrusor underactivity, 4.5% were primary bladder neck obstrction, 13.6% were distal urethral stricture, 6.8% were unstable bladder, 4.5% were non-neurogenic detrusor/external sphincter dyssynergia, 2.3% were sensory urgency and 6.8% were normal.Conclusions:Urodynamic investigation could evaluate the detrusor function, as well as the precise anatomic location of bladder outlet obstruction. The urodynamic examination should be an essential examination for older females with dysuria.
出处 《临床泌尿外科杂志》 2004年第11期683-684,共2页 Journal of Clinical Urology
关键词 排尿障碍 尿动力学 女性 Urination disorders Urodynamics Female
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